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Privacy Policy


By adopting this new Privacy Policy, CDI College Business. Technology. Healthcare (hereinafter, the College) confirms its commitment to protecting personal information. It, therefore, takes reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal information against accidental loss and unauthorized access, use, modification or disclosure. The College has thus adopted an official document describing how it assumes its responsibilities in this area. In so doing, it updates its commitment to respecting individuals, their dignity and physical and psychological integrity and offers prevention and awareness-raising activities for college community members.


This document presents the Privacy Policy implemented by the College, owner and manager of its website to ensure the preservation of the confidentiality of personal information. Its purpose is to inform users of the practices adopted about personal information transmitted via this site.


This policy is based on the Act to modernize legislative provisions respecting the protection of personal information, L.Q. 2021, c. 25, which updates the framework applicable to the protection of personal information, including the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information, RLRQ, c. A -2.1.


By transmitting information or using any interactive function available on its website, the user consents to all measures taken by the College concerning the information so transmitted, as detailed in this document.


Finally, the policy commits the College to assume its responsibility for confidentiality.


1. Policy Goals

The fundamental values that underpin the College's educational mission are responsibility, citizenship, continuous improvement, diversity (i.e. respect for the individual), integrity (i.e. creating an environment conducive to learning) and quality. To fulfill this commitment, the College pursues the following goals through this policy:


  • The right of every individual to operate in a confidential environment.
  • The right to be treated with respect, fairness, equality, equity and impartiality.
  • The right to access services offered by specialized internal and/or external resources.
  • The right of all individuals to post information on the College website in complete confidentiality.
  • The need for confidentiality training.
  • The right of all website users to access information the College holds.
  • The need to diligently apply appropriate preventive, corrective or remedial measures in confidentiality matters.


The College expects third parties with whom it has a relationship to respect this policy and its values about confidentiality.


2. Policy Objectives

The College wishes to offer users of its website a stimulating and confidential browsing environment. By adopting this policy, the College aims, more specifically, to achieve the following objectives:


  • Communicate the importance of confidentiality to the community at large;
  • Establish appropriate preventive, corrective or restorative measures for confidentiality.


This policy is designed to make people aware of the potential dangers and measures in place to respond immediately to any privacy concerns.


3. Definitions

"Anonymize" refers to a procedure to render data anonymous so the user cannot be identified.

 "Legality" refers to the character that conforms to the Law.

"Community member" includes all students, teaching staff and other employees of the College.

"User" means any person inside or outside the organization who uses one of its information assets, in this case, its website, to carry out all or part of its activities.

"Cookie" is information that, when a user visits a website or uses a mobile application, is transmitted between a server and a web browser or device, sometimes without the user's knowledge.

"Third Party" Any person outside the establishment (workplace supervisor, visitors, guests, consultants, outside organizations, etc.) who has a relationship with the College.


4. Section on the Protection Afforded by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

1. Designer and publisher

The College website was created and edited by Campus Support:

300-960 Quayside Drive, New Westminster (BC) V3M 6G2


The e-mail address of the person responsible for protecting personal information is


This site is hosted by AWS in Oregon, USA (


2. Personal data protection

The College is committed to respecting the privacy of all users of its website. By accessing and using the site, the user acknowledges having read all the legal notices and general conditions of use.


During site consultation, the user may be asked to voluntarily provide specific personal data, such as a name, e-mail address or postal address. This information is required to access certain sections (or services) of the site. Users are free not to provide this information. However, sections requiring this information will not be accessible.


In accordance with the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, users have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete any personal data transmitted.


3. Information on the collection of personal information

The user has the right to withdraw consent to collection at any time, without affecting the lawfulness (i.e. legality) of the processing based on consent carried out before the withdrawal of consent. The user also has the right to lodge a complaint with a control authority, the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec.


The College will keep data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. This period varies between one month and three years.


5. Personal Information Collection

1. Personal information that can be collected

The College only collects the personal information required to perform its duties or to implement a program under its management. The information collected by the College includes first and last name, e-mail address, mailing address, telephone number, nationality, permanent code, preferences for a program of study or campus of study, level of education, family status, transcripts, medical information, banking information and criminal record.


The information collected by the College also includes the contact information of the user who carries out certain operations on its web spaces (e.g., requests for information, requests or offers of service and registration for a training program). You may also be asked to identify yourself as a student or staff member to access specific web spaces belonging to the College. This operation will only give access to content that is specifically dedicated.


2. Means of collection

Personal information retained by the College is collected only after the user has been informed of the purpose of the collection and voluntarily submits it, either through a form, cookies, the chat system, by sending an e-mail, or by any other means on the site used for this purpose.


When it collects personal information, the College ensures that the person concerned is informed, at the latest at the time of collection, of the name of the organization on whose behalf the information is collected, the purposes for which the information is collected, how the information is collected, the mandatory or optional nature of the request, the consequences of a refusal to respond or consent to the request, the rights of access and rectification provided by law, and the possibility that the personal information may be communicated outside Québec, where applicable.


3. Use of personal information

The College uses personal information about its students, employees and other third parties to carry out its mission and functions. Personal information will not be used for purposes other than those identified at the time of collection except with the individual's express consent or as required by law.


The main uses made by the College of the information collected are, in particular, to communicate with the user at the contact details communicated to respond to a request for information, to follow up applications for admission, admissions and registrations, to make physical or virtual appointments, to promote training offers and to distribute notices or alerts.


6. Personal Information Disclosure

1. Communication without consent of the person concerned

The College may disclose specific personal information it holds to comply with a court order, law or legal process, including responding to any governmental or regulatory request by applicable laws. It may also be required to do so if it believes disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property or safety of the College or others.


The College may communicate certain personal information it holds to a member of its personnel entitled to receive it and when it is necessary for performing their duties, for example, during an emergency intervention.


The College may transfer the personal information it collects to service providers and other third parties that support it (for example, the National Payroll Institute or parties to a partnership agreement). These third parties are contractually obliged to keep personal information confidential, to use it only for the purposes for which the College disclosed it, and to handle personal information by the standards set out in the policy and in compliance with the law.


The College may disclose specific personal information for study, research or the production of statistics, subject to the conditions set out in the Act respecting access to information, including a privacy impact assessment and transmission of the agreement to the Commission d'accès à l'information thirty (30) days prior to its coming into force.


In certain situations, the person responsible for protecting personal information must record the communication in their personal information communication register.


2. Communication with the consent of the person concerned

The College may communicate certain personal information it holds to a third party if it has obtained the valid consent of the person concerned.


7. Cookies

The College uses cookies on its site to facilitate navigation, personalize its use, for statistical purposes, measure the portal's audience, understand how its users use it and enhance their experience through more intuitive navigation. The information is stored in Canada. This information may be communicated to third parties in case of a legal obligation or when these third parties process the data on our behalf. This information includes pages consulted, date, time, duration and frequency of visits, links used, type of computer operating system and language. The name of the Internet service provider and the geographical location (region) are also part of the information collected. The IP address is also collected but is anonymized (i.e. truncated) to ensure confidentiality and prevent the identity of an Internet user from being known through it.


Users can set their browsers to block cookies by configuring their Internet browser, which may affect the experience and limit access to certain functions. You can delete cookies at any time by deleting your browsing history.


By using the Collège's website, the user accepts that the Collège may deposit cookies on their device.


8. Protection of Personal Information

1. Protection

The College has implemented appropriate and reasonable physical, organizational, contractual and technological security measures to protect the user's personal information against loss or theft and against access, disclosure, copying, use, or modification not authorized by law or contrary to its rules governing the governance of the protection of personal information.


The College has taken steps to ensure that only those staff members who absolutely must have access to personal information in their duties are authorized to access it. Individuals working for or on behalf of the College must, among other things, make reasonable efforts to minimize the risk of unintentional disclosure of personal information and take special precautions to ensure that personal information is not monitored, overheard, accessed or lost when working in premises other than the College's offices; and take reasonable steps to protect personal information when moving from one place to another.  


Subcontractors (e.g. the service provider hosting the website) with access to personal information in the custody or control of the College are made aware of this Policy and other applicable policies and processes to ensure the security and protection of personal information. All subcontractors must agree in writing to comply with all applicable policies, processes and laws.


2. Security

The College takes all necessary measures to ensure that personal data is not accessible to third parties other than authorized personnel.


Data may be stored outside the country. In this case, the College will try to ensure a level of protection equivalent to that offered for data stored on Canadian territory. It will, in particular, ensure that all applicable legal requirements are met, including data protection. These security measures are not infallible. As such, there is always risk when using the Internet to transmit data.


In addition, the College disclaims all liability for any failure to protect personal information resulting from the various services, software, files and/or other applications installed on the device used by the user to browse the website.


9. Request for Access to or Correction of Personal Information

The user may submit a request for access to personal information held by the College. They may also request that the information be corrected. Such requests may be made by contacting the person responsible for protecting personal information at


10. External Websites

The College site contains links to external sites. The College is not responsible for the content of these sites or their privacy practices and invites users to read their privacy policies.


11. Disseminating and Updating the Policy

The person responsible for protecting personal information ensures the Policy is posted and updated on the College's website. He or she is also responsible for applying and revising this Policy.


To ask a question about the Policy or file a complaint, contact this person at the following e-mail address:


12. Policy Implementation

1. Effective date

This policy, duly approved by the Board of Directors, takes effect on September 1, 2023.


2. Distribution

The College distributes this policy to the community through its website and is available to anyone who requests it.


3. Review

The College intends to review this policy at least once every five (5) years.



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