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Why Students Should Seek a Practical Nursing Career

March 1, 2012 | Manitoba

Students debating whether or not they should become a practical nurse may wonder what the difference is from a registered nursing career. Before students enroll in a program to obtain a practical nursing diploma, they should learn the differences between each role and see where they fit best.

A practical nurse holds a practical nursing diploma from a college. After successful completion of their studies, PN graduates must write the Canadian Practical Nurse Registration Exam before beginning their careers in healthcare. Once they have been licensed, practical nurses can provide services in a variety of settings, such as acute care, long-term care, medical units in hospitals, home care or community care.

For those who are eager to begin their nursing careers, the route of the practical nurse program may be the best option. Registered nurses must complete four years in a nursing program at a university.

Nurses are more in demand than ever within retirement homes and long-term care facilities. Opportunities for practical nurses in these types of facilities are prevalent throughout Canada. Those interested in pursuing this career may complete the Practical Nursing program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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