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Upcoming Events: February 2023

January 31, 2023 | Manitoba

February is here and even though it may be the shortest month it is packed full of events.


On February 2, 2023, CDI College will be attending Career Fair Calgary at the Calgary Telus Convention Centre. More info about the event and all attendees can be found here.


February 9, 2023, we have the second event in our Career Workshop Series. This online event will provide students with information on how to analyze job posts and how to tailor their resumes to fit the employer's requirements. Students are encouraged to attend. RSVP here.


February 14 is Valentine’s Day at CDI College. This year we are running a contest to find out what our students are most grateful for. Students are encouraged to fill out the forms on campus or through the app. Follow us on social media or in the campus app for more information.


February 20,2023 will be the third instalment in the Career Workshop Series. This one is all about you, and how you can assess your background, experience, and skills when applying for jobs. RSVP here.


February 22 is Pink Shirt Day. CDI College will be organizing events to recognize the day and to spread awareness around this important project to end bullying in Canada and around the world. Keep your eye on our events calendar and social media for more information on how you can participate!


Would you like to get more information or apply?

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