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Turn Your New Year's Resolutions into Real Results

January 23, 2013 | Manitoba

The new year has just begun and it is the perfect time to start thinking about all of your career goals and what you'd like to achieve professionally over the next 12 months. The trick to accomplishing these goals is to stay realistic and make small checkpoints so that you can measure your progress and see the finish line rather than making lofty promises you can't keep.

Go Back to School
Have you had dreams to start fresh in your career and tackle a new field, such as nursing or information technology (IT)? One of the best ways to dive into something unfamiliar is to find an academic program that can prepare you for entering the workforce with the right basic skills and knowledge to qualify for a job.

Practice Makes Perfect
Many schools have two-year career training programs that allow students to set up their schedules and still have time for a part-time job. These courses also help students understand the professional aspects of their chosen sector by requiring a practicum placement at some point during their time enrolled. During this assignment, students learn from experienced supervisors about their field. Nursing students might be placed in a hospital, private doctor's office, community health centre or nursing home, and will learn how to treat certain patients and ultimately apply these skills to a future job.

Keep Track of Goals
Even if you have a major goal that could take years before you've accomplished it fully, it's important to keep a written record of how much progress you've made over each month. This way, you'll feel a sense of pride knowing that the results are tangible.

Chris Skoyles, a computer developer and blogger, told The Globe and Mail that one of his best gifts was a diary, which he uses to keep tabs on his goals.

"The goal may look impossible at the start," Skoyles told the news source. "But if you break it down and have a running log you can see the progress you have made. You can boost your confidence by seeing you have made progress and realize you can continue making progress."

Break It Down
Your year-long goals could be significantly different than the accomplishments you reach for monthly. An example of a short-term goal would be earning high marks on an upcoming exam, which will ultimately help you achieve the long-term aspirations as well.

Students who are excited to put their resolutions into action can enroll in a career training program, including Practical Nursing at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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