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Top Social Media Platforms for Smart Marketers

May 12, 2021 | Manitoba

Social media marketing is an exciting career. You get to use your creativity to connect with online audiences and elevate brands. What you’ll quickly realize, though, is that there are many social media platforms to keep up with – too many, perhaps. That’s the downside of technology and trends that are constantly evolving.

Here’s a secret – you don’t need to master every new platform that comes along. Sure, you need to keep your knowledge current. But you can develop a solid foundation of skills by focusing on just a handful of key platforms.

With that in mind, here’s a look at the top social media platforms to master for marketing career success. Get up to speed on these first and then you can easily dig into new channels as they become relevant to your work.


No surprise to see this on the list, right? Since its humble, early days as a college student’s project, Facebook has expanded into a global giant of social media. In a 2021 report on social media use in the U.S., the Pew Research Center says 69% of adults use the platform. Interestingly, that number hasn’t grown or shrunk much in recent years. Perhaps we’ve reached peak Facebook?

Tip for marketers: Facebook is used at a consistently high level across many age groups, Pew reports.


Apparently people love “smashing” those like and subscribe buttons. Pew reports that YouTube is the most-used social media platform, at 81%. And there are signs it is still growing. Use of the platform rose eight percent in the past two years. This huge appetite for video content is an excellent opportunity for brands to engage with their audiences.

Tip for marketers: YouTube is especially popular among older adults, those in the 30-64 age range, Pew reports.


Sorry, Instagram fans. Facebook and YouTube are still winning the popularity contest by a wide margin. Only 40% of adults use the photo-sharing platform. But the relatively smaller audience isn’t the whole story. Clever marketers have realized Instagram is an effective tool to reach younger adults.

Tip for marketers: More than 70% of adults under age 30 use Instagram, Pew reports.

Other Platforms

Of course, the list of important social media platforms hardly stops with the big three mentioned above. It’s also smart to keep an eye on other channels, even if fewer people use them. Firstly, they might be platforms that are highly relevant to your target audience. Secondly, you never know what might grow to become the next YouTube.

Tip for marketers: Get familiar with lesser-used platforms such as Twitter, Snapchat, Reddit, LinkedIn, and TikTok.


If you’re thinking about a career in social media marketing, don’t get overwhelmed. While the field is complex and rapidly changing, you can succeed if you focus on the top platforms and have some understanding of the others.

You can train for this career in the Social Media and Web Marketing program. Delivered 100% online, this program covers the essential skills and knowledge you need to help brands reach their audiences.

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