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Tips For IT Grads

February 3, 2012 | Manitoba

Understanding business objectives and how to improve the bottom line has always been a highly valuable skill for employees to possess. Broadening IT skills, however, has increasingly become just as important.

While IT grads are a coveted commodity in the tech industry, they still must possess certain qualities that make them indispensable to their employers. A strong background in career skills training combined with implementing these essential IT tips can help ensure a positive career path and a bright future.

Write a blog: J. Scott Johnson, a technology entrepreneur, blogger and co-author of Essential Blogging, insists that IT grads contribute regularly to their own online publication to show employers what they know or what they want to know. Additionally, customizing the blog can be a way to show executives their programming skills.

Use and understand cloud technology: The need to connect cables or perform troubleshooting is changing as companies begin using cloud providers.  Employers want their IT specialists to possess a certain expertise about current technology as well as an understanding of new trends.

Those looking to gain fundamental IT knowledge and skills can enroll in a technology program at CDI College. Whether you want to pursue a profession in tech support or network administration, CDI College can help you reach your career goals. Begin enrollment by filling out the form on the right.

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