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Sarah Allwood – Student Services Administrator, CDI College Online

January 11, 2022 | Manitoba

Sarah Allwood is many things. She is a mother, a grandmother, and an animal rescuer. She’s a student services administrator for CDI College online, and she’s also a CDI College graduate.


Before coming to CDI College, Sarah worked in the tourism industry, spending 18 years with WestJet. She started as a flight attendant in 2003, but over the years moved throughout the organization. She first moved to the main office and spent time in recruiting, then with the health and benefits department, before finally being the coordinator/administrator to the director of guest experiences.


Working in tourism, she had many rewarding experiences like volunteering for Dreams Take Flight, a program that takes children on adventures to Disneyland. She also had a team she loved working with, and she never thought she would leave WestJet. But, plans have a way of changing.


Change on the Horizon

Like many others in the sector, Sarah lost her job when the pandemic started. In fact only two of her former team remain in her department. However, Sarah isn’t one to just sit around. She made the decision to go back to school, and decided that a human resources program was right for her. She wasn’t alone. Following Sarah’s lead, her daughter-in-law and son also chose to enroll at CDI College.


When she began her studies, Sarah was excited, and hopeful for the future. However, things weren’t always easy. There were times when she faced challenges, and didn’t know if she could make it, but with the encouragement and support of her instructors she persevered.  

After Sarah graduated, one of her instructors suggested she apply for an opening with CDI College, and she decided it was a good idea. Soon after she had an interview and was hired straight away.


Sharing an Outlook for Success

Just a few months into her new role, Sarah’s loving it. She finds her experience working with students to be rewarding. She gets to help the students start their education at CDI College, and even though she hasn’t been on the job long enough to see them finish, she is energized by the journey that they are on and is there to help them whenever they need.


Sarah credits her ability to help students by drawing from her own experience attending CDI College. When things get tough she asks them to consider the decision that brought them to school in the first place, and the goals they want to achieve.


Optimism for the Future

Change can be an important motivator in life, and Sarah knows that going to school and training for a new career can help with that. She’s been there. Her ultimate goal is to see students succeed in their studies and finding a job as she did. She doesn’t really know what the future has in store for her, but she remains excited for the future, and is looking forward to seeing where the journey takes her. Her optimism is contagious.

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