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May Event Listings

May 1, 2023 | Manitoba

April showers are finally behind us and we're now waiting for the flowers of springtime that May is sure to bring. We have some exciting events planned for May, be sure to keep an eye on our events page as we're adding more throughout the month. Here are just a couple of the things we have planned: 

CDI College in Winnipeg is offering another session of free dental care from May 1-4, 12:30 - 5:30 pm. So if you're in need of a cleaning, polishing, or flouride treatment be sure to book your session by calling the campus at 204-942-1773, ext. 2270

CDI College will be attending Career Fair Canada in Edmonton, AB, on May 16th, from 10-2pm. If you're interested in learning more about our programs stop by our booth and one of our reps will be happy to discuss how we can help in your career training. Find more information here.


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