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How to ace your return to school this fall

September 9, 2019 | Manitoba

You’re excited to become a student again and to start training for a new career. Then you realize your life is about to change dramatically.

Heading back to school means getting used to a new daily routine, new people, and a new campus environment.

Before you get overwhelmed, take some time to answer the five questions below. Once these basics are covered, you’ll be on your way toward planning a stress-free return to school.

What’s your schedule?
Time management is key to student success. Whether you prefer to use an app or paper calendar, plot out your daily routine. Include time for commute, class, study, and breaks.

How will you get there?
You need to figure out how you’ll get to and from campus each day. Whether you’re driving, taking transit, or using another form of transportation, it’s best to plan a convenient route.

What will you wear?
You don’t want to show up on the first day in jeans and a t-shirt when everyone else is dressed in more formal attire. Find out what’s expected ahead of time from an instructor or college staff.

What will you eat?
Your brain will be busy absorbing new knowledge. Give it the fuel it needs. Plan a menu of nutritious meals and snacks that you can pack and bring to class, or look up good places to eat near campus.

Where will you study?
Pick a spot that will enable you to focus on reviewing notes, reading, and working on assignments. It could be your kitchen table, the local library, or a favourite coffee shop.

Ready to go back to school? For over 50 years, CDI College has been training people in Canada for successful new careers. We offer dozens of programs in business, healthcare, technology, and other fields.

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