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Find the Time to Study as a Practical Nursing Student

August 28, 2012 | Manitoba

Every student has their own study habits, whether it involves finding a quiet space at home, listening to classical music or heading to the nearest cafe and getting lost in a health textbook over a freshly brewed cappuccino. It might take a few years to determine the most successful routine to achieve stellar grades, but once young adults have discovered their personal preferences, they can establish a regular schedule that leads them on the right path toward college completion. While the environment is a major factor in achieving study success, the time of day is also an important element to keep in mind when adults are determining the most effective plan for them.

Keep a planner

First, busy adults who are going back to school should organize their schedules in a planner or with the calendars on their smartphones. By keeping an up-to-date schedule handy, students can quickly determine windows of free time that they have each week. Some days, practical nursing students may have an entire morning to study before reporting to their first class at noon, while other days, they may have to report to their practicum at 6 a.m., leaving their afternoons available to complete reading assignments, research papers and more. A planner can help adults with the most hectic of schedules stay on top of their work and put their minds at ease.

Study at different times

To find out whether adults are more alert in the morning, afternoon or evening, they can spend a week or two testing particular times and gauging their results by how much they accomplish during that time frame. Some adults, particularly those with children, may do best once their kids have been put to bed and they have some quiet time to focus on their healthcare courses. Others might get the most accomplished first thing in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand. Students should make a note of their progress so they can figure out which studying plan they should follow once the trial period is over.

Have a backup plan

Life can be unpredictable, and unplanned events can often disrupt an otherwise orderly schedule. Instead of stressing out over these situations, adults can plan for these scenarios in advance by factoring spare time into their weekly schedules. When their routine goes as planned, they will be happy to have a few free hours, and when something comes up, they can use this time to get back on track.

Students who are ready to take their healthcare plans to the next level can enroll in practical nursing courses at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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