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Find the Right Workplace to Start a Practical Nursing Career

September 13, 2012 | Manitoba

Practical nurses are valued professionals in a variety of different healthcare environments. Their help is needed in doctors' offices, long-term care facilities, hospitals, schools and more, and in each particular area, they may assist a different age group. To qualify for this career, students must enroll at a school that offers a recognized practical nursing program.

Each province has separate guidelines about how to become a practical nurse. Depending on where students want to settle down and start their careers, they will have to complete a certain number of practicum hours, courses and possibly even a volunteer placement. Once they've successfully met all of the requirements established by the province, they can start looking at different workplaces to see where they would feel most comfortable working.

Nursing homes

Some people feel most comfortable interacting with the elderly - providing care for them, helping them, preparing meals and administering their daily medications. Becoming a practical nurse can allow these people to work in their ideal environment with other skilled professionals who have a similar passion for the field of healthcare. In this environment, practical nurses are on their feet for the majority of the day, helping elderly individuals lift themselves out of bed, walking them down the hallways, organizing gatherings in the common lounge areas and even leading day trips to public parks or shopping centers.

To be prepared for this type of daily work, practical nurses should make sure to wear comfortable footwear in order to avoid any back injuries or other health issues.


Another place that practical nurses can find work is in academic institutions. These professionals can deal with a range of health concerns, from a fairly harmless stomach bug to a medical emergency such as fainting or a serious injury on the playground. They must be prepared to properly assess these incidents, even if it simply means that they stand by a child and wait for an ambulance to arrive. Administering the right treatment until the next skilled professional can take over is key to making sure that each patient is treated with the utmost care.

A number of other environments can offer aspiring practical nurses with exciting opportunities, including public clinics, children's camps, emergency rooms and even business organizations. Those who are interested in finding a fulfilling role in one of these places can first enroll in healthcare courses at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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