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Find the Right Place to Work as an Accounting and Payroll Administrator

October 16, 2012 | Manitoba

One of the benefits of becoming an Accounting and Payroll Administrator is the diverse workplaces a person can choose from. Essentially, every business needs an accounting department to organize and documents their accounts that pay the bills, as well as skilled workers who handle paychecks for employees. Finances, of course, are crucial to any company and are what keeps an operation afloat. Ensuring that these numbers are in order, up to date and accurate at all times is crucial to running a successful organization, and accounting and payroll administrators are key pieces to the puzzle in helping to guarantee that happens. Here are a few types of companies that students aspiring to be in this field could potentially work for in the future.

Internet Startups
Today, there are thousands of startup businesses online - content marketing agencies, online marketplaces and social networking sites are only a handful of examples. Working for one of these types of companies can be an exciting entry into the latest batch of technological entrepreneurship, and can give professionals an inside look on what it takes to be a part of a budding business that is just making its mark on the surrounding community.

Often, these types of organizations offer a modern, laid-back work environment. Because no one stood before them to lead the way at the particular organization, more workers in a diverse selection of positions might have wider say in how certain tasks are accomplished, allowing professionals to gain some experience in fields they may not have considered before.

Accounting Firms
Working for the heavyweights of the accounting world - Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and so on - can be good for budding professionals for a number of reasons. First, they are gaining experience in a top-rated work environment, so the skills and knowledge they are learning during their experience could make them valuable players within the business sector. Second, although the company name does not mean everything, it does give employees' resumes a boost when they are searching for new jobs. Showing that they have worked for some of the best professionals in the business can help their reputation and credibility in the long run.

Students who are interested in getting their business careers started can first enroll in the Accounting and Payroll Administrator program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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