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Find the Right Motivation for Your Professional Goals

April 1, 2013 | Manitoba

Becoming a successful professional doesn't just happen overnight. It takes years of studying, building up work experience and networking with colleagues, and even then, you still have to revisit your goals and make sure that you're taking the right steps toward achieving them. Spring is a great time to rejuvenate yourself career-wise and take some time to re-prioritize the aspects of your life. Here are some ways you can boost your career success, whether you're just starting your professional path or need to recharge your batteries in the workplace.

Talk to Everyone
You never know when that next leap up in your career will happen, and to make sure you're keeping opportunities available, you should take every chance to interact with individuals with similar professional paths as you. During your college years and beyond, you'll have plenty of practicum experiences and part- or full-time jobs, which means that you'll have literally dozens of connections in your work sector. 

Some job opportunities aren't even posted where you can see them. Sometimes people get hired by word of mouth, and the only way for that to happen is to be social with others.

Use Social Media
Even if you're satisfied with your current job or career path, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't keep your options open. One of the best ways to make it easy for companies to find you is by garnering a strong online presence, through a personal blog, a Pinterest page, Twitter account and LinkedIn profile. While these platforms are fun, their capabilities to market your talents and essentially work as a form of self-advertising are incredible. Take advantage of these free services and watch your network expand exponentially.

Create One Personal Goal
Sure, you'll work harder when you know you're reaching for a long-term goal of becoming vice president of a company or starting your own law firm. However, sometimes, the most inspiring goals are ones that have nothing to do with your actual career. Whether you are yearning to start your own family or take a month-long trip backpacking through Europe, by committing to a personal goal, you might be even more motivated to work hard every day. On the outside, your colleagues will just see you as a diligent and dedicated professional.

Students who are ready to kick their careers into overdrive can start by enrolling in courses at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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