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Feven M. – Student Financial Planner

January 24, 2022 | Manitoba

Feven M. – Student Financial Planner

Obtaining financing can be one of the most challenging, frustrating, and stressful considerations when going to school. However, student financial planners like Feven M. have the knowledge of the system, and passion for helping can put those concerns to rest.


Inspired by Family

Feven has always wanted to work in education. From an early age, her parents taught her what a difference education could make. Her dad was the first one in the family to receive an education and Feven was inspired by how he was able to use what he learned to support his family and give them the best possible opportunities.


From her father’s experience he instilled a positive view of how education has the power to transform someone’s life. It was this passion that inspired Feven, and to push her toward her own education – a path that brought her to CDI College.


Studies in Human Resources

Feven knew she wanted to help students have the same opportunities she did, but hadn’t thought it would take her into a role as a financial planner.


For the last several years she has been pursuing a degree in human resources. With her degree just a few semesters from completion, she had an opportunity to work as part of CDI College’s financial planning team. She jumped at it. The transition from studying HR to helping students with college funding was an easy one. Feven was able to draw off her experience managing the finances for the Ethiopian Student Society at her university. She quickly discovered a great deal of satisfaction when she was able to help student secure funding for their education.


Giving a Helping Hand

In her role Feven helps people from a variety of backgrounds. Some of the issues she helps with are as simple as directing people where to apply for funding, but others have more challenging situations. Many of these students have poor credit or have defaulted on loan payments in the past and are often frustrated, and don’t know who to turn to for help. In order to help, it’s important for Feven to have a clear understanding of a student’s financial past and how they got there.


Feven is non-judgmental and has a compassionate spirit that allows her to relate to the student’s problems, and see them from their point of view. This helps her get the student to open up about their history, and she can begin working through the problem. She knows not everyone is in good financial shape, but she’s there to help them find a solution, and even provide them with a kind of emotional support.


Feven's role sees her helping students in finding solutions when they run into problems financing their education. She gives them direction when they need to contact provincial entities and provides advice to them on options regarding third party funding. She also knows she has the backing of her team when she needs support.


What Next?

Even though she’s been in the role with CDI College for a short time, Feven is already looking to the future and where she’d like to end up. She wants to keep working with students, and would love to become an academic advisor to international students. She knows that coming into a new culture can be difficult and how important it is to have someone to rely on.


In the end, Feven just wants students to be able to have the education they deserve, and is committed to doing whatever she can to ensure that happens.

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