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Facebook Tagging Photo Contest

December 2, 2010 | Manitoba

UPDATE: Tagging may not be enabled, so go ahead and comment or like the city you belong to and you'll be entered to win. Share the album with your friends and you'll recieve a bonus entry!

Enter our Facebook photo album contest to win great cash prizes

CDI College, Online - December 6, 2010 - We want to know which CDI campus you call home, or which location you're thinking of applying to. To make things a little more interesting, we've got $600 in prizes up for grabs for those who participate in our Facebook tagging project.

Photo Tagging on Facebook

All you have to do is tag yourself in one the photos in our CDI College Campus contest photo album on Facebook and you'll be entered. Share the contest with your friends and family too by sharing the link on your Facebook wall! Let's see which community has the most spirit, and which city can lay claim to the most CDI grads. By tagging yourself, you'll see past, present and future CDI students who you can connect with!

Tag Photo, Win Prizes

All those who participate will be entered to win one of 14 prizes. The Grand Prize is a $125 VISA gift card, 2nd Prize is a $75 VISA gift card, 3rd Prize is one of four $50 VISA gift cards and there will be eight runners up who will win a $25 VISA gift card. Use your winnings to buy yourself something nice at the post-Christmas sales!

Head over to Facebook to enter today!

Would you like to get more information or apply?

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