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Churches Hire Nurses to Treat Parish Members

November 29, 2012 | Manitoba

Parish nursing is just one niche of the nursing profession that can be found across in Canada. These nurses provide support to church members who might not otherwise seek medical aid.

Trained as Registered Nurses (RNs), parish nurses can make quick referrals to doctors so that people are cared for properly and early, which can catch illnesses and injuries before they become severe or even fatal. While these positions do not fall within the scope of practice for LPNs, it wouldn't be uncommon for LPNs to encounter parish nurses or other members of a healthcare team.

Many of these church parishioners are older individuals who may hesitate to book regular doctor's appointments. Instead, they can visit their church, where they feel comfortable and at home, and meet with a parish nurse whom they consider a friend. The nurse can provide the same sort of care that they would in a traditional medical office or hospital setting without feeling rushed because of a long line of patients behind them.

Those who are passionate about helping people can train for a career in the healthcare field with the Practical Nursing program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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