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Certified Dental Assistants in Demand across the Country

November 19, 2009 | Manitoba

CDI College's Intra-Oral Dental Assistant program preps grads for career in just one year

Winnipeg, MB - November 19, 2009 - Anyone thinking about entering a career in health care might want to consider becoming a Certified Dental Assistant (CDA), a position that continues to be in demand across the country. Those interested in a dental career should have a look at CDI College's Intra-Oral Dental Assistant program, which prepares students for the field in just under a year.

"CDAs are still very much in demand," says Agnes Yngson, Dental Department Head at CDI College. "Most of our grads receive job offers even before they finish their program and some get hired during their practicum placement. It's not unusual to get an email or call from dentists looking for CDAs or even willing to hire our students while in the program."

Intra-Oral Dental Assistant students learn about human anatomy and physiology, including the normal development of the oral cavity and facial complex. The program also covers oral medicine including administration, drug classification, sedation, anesthesia and pain control. As well, students learn to record dental exams, treatment plans and vital signs.

Students in CDI's Intra-Oral Dental Assistant program also learn how to take and process dental radiographs and work with the various bio-materials commonly used in dentistry. They become familiar with safety procedures, hazardous chemicals handling and waste management as well. Graduates are eligible to write the National Dental Assisting Examining Board Certification Exam, which ensures that dental assistants in Canada have met the educational requirements that allow for provincial registration, certification, licensure or listing.

Besides the CDA role, there are a lot of job opportunities that grads can explore according to Yngson.

"Grads can work in dental sales, dental office management positions, treatment coordination, dental research and, with experience, they can go into teaching," she adds. "With further training, CDAs can also bridge into dental hygiene."

CDI College is now taking applications for the Intra-Oral Dental Assistant program. More information is available here. Follow CDI College events and campus life on Twitter and Facebook.


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