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CDI College Growth Story: Tracy from Calgary

December 17, 2020 | Manitoba

At CDI College, we think it’s important to provide recognition and credit to the staff and instructors who make our mission possible. These people have dedicated their lives to helping change our students’ lives by providing them with the education and the mindset they need to succeed in life.


Our first in the series of our CDI College Growth Story is none other than Tracy, who works as a Student Services Coordinator at our Calgary City Centre campus. Tracy plays a pivotal role at her campus.



From the Ashes


A failed marriage left Tracy with a foreclosure on her house, and she had to start her life over. In 2012, Tracy took the receptionist job at our CDI College Calgary South campus and has been with the college since then.


Tracy found her calling at CDI College, and she will be forever grateful for the initial kindness she was shown.



Today, Tracy not only works on the student services team, but she also helps instruct courses at CDI College and runs a coaching and goal setting business on the side. She’s grown significantly from the time she first started working for CDI College as a receptionist. She feels that the best way to pay it back is to be the best she can be in each of the roles she takes on.



Passion into Action


Tracy loves helping people achieve their goals. She knows how big a commitment it is for the students who attend CDI College to go back to school. Having been through periods in her life of struggling to get back on her feet, Tracy feels that she has the personal experience to empathize with her students. She’s been in their shoes and knows exactly what someone needs to turn their lives around.


One piece of advice she would give to her students going through a tough time is this: “Never stop growing and never stop learning. Don’t give up.”



Overcoming the Challenges of COVID-19


When COVID-19 hit, all of CDI College’s programs and services moved online. For Tracy, it meant overcoming the challenge of not being able to meet with her students in person. She now has to work harder to connect with students individually and ensure that each interaction is intentional and purpose-driven.


“One of the reasons that people go back to school is to connect with others,” Tracy says. That means she has to find ways to create spaces for people to connect virtually now. By keeping a calendar schedule and organizing her tasks each day, Tracy has made sure that she has the capacity to help students get through this trying time.



Gratitude and Future Dreams


Tracy contributes her success in her role to her good relationships with her campus directors. She’s very thankful to them for supporting her in her work.


As a big ideas person, Tracy hopes one day to grow into a management role. During her time at CDI College, she’s helped implement many processes that improve student experiences and keep them on track for their goals. Over time, Tracy has learned how to be persistent and manage relationships to be a change agent within the college.



Next time you see Tracy in person or online, don’t forget to ask her about her volunteer work at animal rescue associations or her adopted Chihuahua!


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