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CDI College Growth Story: Justin Tsang, Team Lead, SFP Richmond

January 4, 2022 | Manitoba

Justin Tsang has been influential in leading a team of financial planners at the Richmond branch of  CDI College. He begins his week with organizing paperwork and helping with the orientation process for students. He is also responsible for updating management about new students who are starting classes in the upcoming week. Some of his other duties include training his SFP team in operational processes and new rules.


From Sales to Financial Planning

Justin transitioned from a sales-oriented role in the banking industry to a financial planning role in the education sector. This enabled him to get involved with helping students manage their finances.

Justin credits his promotion as team lead to his dedication and hard work in starting from scratch and turning his division around.

Navigating Through the COVID-19 Pandemic

As one of the many employees who were propelled into action during the initial stages of the pandemic, Justin recognizes the hardships that everyone on the team faced. He has stayed positive by accepting difficulties and working on them as they come.

For Justin, his team and the people surrounding him are his primary source of happiness and enjoyment at work. Helping students tackle their finances and watching them succeed is also something that he takes great pride in.

During his tenure as the team lead, Justin has overcome challenges like implementing new training, creating and maintaining proper documentationand  to lay the foundation of a successful and efficient department. He gives credit to his team of student financial planners for being self-sufficient in their roles and appreciates how they molded his personality traits and work ethics as their own to stay on top of projects.


Future Plans and Prospects

Justin plans to continue his journey with CDI College as he explores further opportunities to learn and grow in the education sector. He is passionate about helping students reach their goals and enjoys making structured plans for them. As a team lead, Justin ensures that he remembers and supports each student to the best of his abilities.

Outside of work, he enjoys playing sports and staying active. His message to the readers is to maintain a healthy work-life balance by eating well, stretching during work hours, and taking adequate breaks to stay motivated!

Are you also interested in working with people like Justin or as a Student Financial Planner? Check out our current career openings here

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