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CDI College Growth Story: Denise from Calgary

June 22, 2021 | Manitoba

Denise S. is an esteemed instructor at the Calgary City Centre campus in the Travel and Tourism program. She is so highly regarded that the campus director recommended her as the next featured employee. Denise was central in helping to bring the Travel and Tourism program to CDI College, and her work is essential to keeping the curriculum up to date.


Building the Right Network

Denise hasn’t always worked in the travel and tourism field. She previously worked as a veterinary technician in Ontario, but was having doubts about her future. After considering her interests, Denise decided to go back to school to work in the travel industry. After moving to Calgary, she used her networking skills to land a job at CDI College in the Travel and Tourism program [insert link] – along with running her own consultation business.


The Travel and Tourism Industry During COVID

Denise shared that despite what one might think about COVID-19’s impact on the travel industry, she’s still operating her thriving travel consultation business and has been booking tours into 2024. She said that it’s the perfect time for her students to learn more about travel and tourism because by the time they finish school, tourism will be back at normal levels again. She also hopes that her students see the potential in Canada and local tourism.

As well, Denise is optimistic about the industry in general because ecotourism gained further popularity due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. People are beginning to realize the effects of the diminishment of traditional tourism. For example, the canals in Venice are clear again and Mount Fuji is visible from Tokyo for the first time in nearly 40 years. With more environmentally conscious forms of tourism becoming increasingly popular, Denise’s students could help their future clients explore endless possibilities when it comes to travel plans.


A Heart for Inspiring Students

What gets Denise up and ready at 6:30am every day is the thought of helping her students find the confidence they need to succeed in the world. Her first-hand experience as a second-career student in her transition to the career she now loves helps her empathize and relate to her students.

Two years ago, Denise had a student with poor self-esteem, insecurities, and other emotional struggles. It was a giant leap of faith just for that student to attend CDI College. Teary eyed, Denise shared that through her nurturing and mentorship, she helped this person become one of the top students and gain the confidence succeed in their career path. The student ended up working at a travel agency right out of graduation and remains in contact with Denise to this day.


To Denise, one of the biggest rewards is watching her students cross the stage and get their diplomas with bright, confident smiles. Denise hopes to inspire those around her to have self-confidence and meet their own goals in life. If you want Denise as your instructor, you can learn more about our Travel and Tourism program and apply today:

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