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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October 5, 2011 | Manitoba

CDI College is doing its part to raise awareness and funds during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Winnipeg, MB - October 5, 2010 - Most of us have probably seen the increase of the color pink over the past few days, and this is expected to continue for the next four weeks. If you don't already know, it's because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. CDI College is showing their support throughout the month with various fundraisers and projects like Bras for a Cause and the Run for the Cure. Here are some quick facts on why you should get involved during Breast Cancer Awareness Month too.

Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer symptoms often first present as a painless bump in the armpit or breast. Other signs include: changes in breast size or shape, dimpling or puckering of the skin, redness or swelling, or an inverted nipple. It is important to know that these are NOT the only symptoms and that often symptoms can go unnoticed for years. All women over the age of 50 should talk to their doctor about getting regular mammograms. 

Canadian Breast Cancer Statistics

According to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, in 2010:

  • An estimated 23,200 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 5,300 will die from it. 
  • An estimated 180 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and 50 will die of it.
  • On average, 445 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer every week. 
  • On average, 100 Canadian women will die of breast cancer every week.

Reading those statistics, it's easy to feel a bit discouraged and hopeless, but there is good news. With the increased awareness of breast cancer during October and the ripple effect it will have, there will be more early detections of breast cancer and therefore less death.  Part of the awareness efforts during Breast Cancer Awareness Month is fundraising for research, and every day we get closer to finding a cure. So THINK PINK and spread the word.

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