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Be Aware of What You're Posting on Social Media

April 10, 2013 | Manitoba

As fun as as it is to constantly update your social media pages, you should also keep in mind that what you post may affect you down the line. With an increasing number of employers checking out employees social media profiles, it's a good idea to review how you use these channels and see if your social media profiles contain anything that could be detrimental to your career.

Students should make sure that the postings they put on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other networking sites remain consistent with their values and never defame another colleague or business organization.

Outside of Work Matters
Think twice before broadcasting your feelings about coworkers or your employer on Twitter once you leave the office. We all need to vent sometimes, but there is a time and place for it and it's not on the Internet. Even when you might think your profile is private and not accessible to workers, you never know who will actually read it. Don't risk creating more drama. Instead, if you need to get something off your chest, chat with a friend or family member at home. Even better still, have a chat with your colleague at work and try and clear the air.

Ways to Boost Professionalism
While there is a downside to oversharing on Facebook and Twitter, you can use these tools to boost your own social media presence and develop a positive reputation.

Instead of posting about personal matters that might turn people off of subscribing to their social media accounts, you could share relevant news from your career field for others with similar interests. By posting articles, infographics and even job opportunities you've heard about from a friend, you're building a positive online image of yourself that could potentially impress employers and peers.

While social media and networking sites are excellent for keeping in touch with your friends, they're also useful for connecting with employers and other professionals in your industry. Use them wisely and cultivate an online presence that won't get in the way of your career aspirations.

Those interested in pursuing a new career can choose from a range of programs at CDI College including Medical Office Assistant Advanced Practice and Dental Receptionist Coordinator. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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