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Back to School Success Strategies

August 19, 2022 | Manitoba

As summer begins to wane and the start of fall approaches, so too does another school year.


With an influx of new students arriving on the college campuses there is always a heightened feeling of excitement and promise.


There are also feelings of fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and that is okay. Whether it’s your first time, or you’ve been to college before, it can be a daunting experience. School brings with it new challenges, especially for those trying to balance family, work, and life.


During your orientation to CDI College, we will be providing you with tips and advice to help you succeed throughout the school year and hopefully make your time in college as stress free as possible.


Here are our top 5 tips for success:


Time Management


Time management is essential to a successful time at college. Life moves pretty fast. It can side track you, steal your time, and make it easy to procrastinate. Sometimes it can feel like your education is in a place to take a backburner to other things. The important thing is to know when.


Ensure you provide yourself with adequate time each week to complete coursework. This might mean building structure into your week so it’s mapped to get your homework done. However you do it, don’t let things pile up because they can quickly overwhelm you.


Find Space


Space can truly feel like a final frontier, but it’s important to find one that works for you. In addition to creating the time to do your work, make sure your space is adequate for working in.


Some people work better with distractions, others don’t, ensure you have a space that suits your needs. It might be a quiet nook on campus, or maybe your den or living room; perhaps you have a favourite coffee shop. As long as you have the tools needed to complete your studies without interruption


Ask for Help


Never be afraid to ask for help.


If you find yourself in trouble, your instructors are your best resource. They’ve worked in the industry; they’re instructors because they’re experts in their field. Don’t be afraid to ask should you run into trouble.


Additionally, you can form study groups with your peers. If you find yourself struggling they may be able to help you work through a problem, or maybe you can find the answer together. Everyone learns in a different way. Who knows you may be able to return the favour later in the semester?


Go to Class


It might seem like a no brainer, but it’s skipping class can be easier than you think.


With pressure and stress mounting, brushing aside a class you don’t particularly enjoy may seem like a great way to get caught up on your non-school life. Don’t do it. It can turn into a habit that can jeopardize your grades, cost you your program, and impact your long term goals.


If you do find yourself struggling to keep your life and school in order let your instructors, staff, or peers know. You aren’t the first to have problems and CDI College can help you develop strategies to keep your life in balance.


Don’t Procrastinate


Work, life, and school have a way of piling up. When you are assigned homework get to it as soon as possible. It may seem easy enough to do it later, but it’s a habit that can haunt you.


All it takes is a little procrastination combined with an important event somewhere else in your life and suddenly you can find yourself lagging behind your studies. Stay on top of things.


If you find you have a little extra time it can even be beneficial to work ahead. It will help you be better prepared and can make your studies smooth.


Have Fun


Most importantly have fun. Going back to school is a lot of work and can be stressful, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun at the same time.


Take study breaks with your peers, go for coffee, and build new relationships. Many of our students end up making long-term friends over the course of their programs. Not only can they help you with your studies, but they also know what you’re going through.


Going to CDI College is an exciting time for new students. It’s part of your career goals. Your instructors and staff want to see you wearing the cap and gown as you receive your diploma at the end of the program.


Welcome to the CDI College Community.

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