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Baby Boomers Using Young Mentors During Career Changes

November 2, 2012 | Manitoba

It's never too late to begin a new career, and many of Canada's baby boomers are in the process of learning that firsthand. Luckily for these students, there are many opportunities for employment in Canada's growing workforce, and there are also many ways these workers can connect with younger professionals in order to get the most out of their job change.

Forming a mentoring relationship with a young worker can help each party gain knowledge valuable for breaking into a new field. Experienced workers have years of wisdom to share with others, along with a variety of knowledge gained from real-life situations.

Many companies are recognizing the value baby boomers bring to younger workers. Their extensive experience and insider knowledge of an industry can be vital for expansion and success, and many professionals are eager to learn as much as they can from their older counterparts. Mentoring has grown in recent years thanks to the benefits for both parties, with baby boomers able to learn skills from partners that can help them in the workplace.

Technological Skills
One of the major areas where young people can work with baby boomers is technology. The younger generation has grown up with electronics, and as such many have developed a proficiency with computers, smartphones and similar advanced programs. They are able to give the older generation insight into this rapidly growing field.

Many young workers have spent enough time with technology to form innovative ideas about the future of this industry. They can advise baby boomers on which segments of the industry contain the most promise with regard to jobs, as well as what tech skills are the most valuable and relevant to the workforce today.

Learning technology skills from young mentors can put baby boomers on a pathway to a new career in Information Technology (IT). Network and database training can provide students with expertise needed to become an IT worker, network administrator or computer support technician. By learning the basics of computer programs, professional skills and other technological techniques, baby boomers can work toward landing jobs in this growing industry.

Regardless of a their intended career field, possessing IT knowledge is crucial. Students who want to strengthen their skills in technology can enroll in the networking training courses like those in the Network Systems Administrator program at CDI College. To request more information, fill out the form on the right.

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