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Career Service

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At CDI College, we take your future seriously. Each diploma and certificate program offered at CDI College is complemented with Career Services assistance. Employment Specialists are available for career advice and counselling in addition to assisting with job searching for up to six months after you graduate. 

CDI College Employment Specialists offer workshops that will build your confidence in finding the hidden job market. Students attending these workshops will learn how to turn a phone call into an interview and an interview into a job offer.
Additionally, Employment Specialists teach students how to create personal marketing tools for themselves. The development of dynamic resumes, creative business cards, effective thank-you notes, and powerful cover letters are all key focus areas of Career Services.
By attending scheduled individual and group sessions with Career Services, you will be able to share your job-seeking experiences with your peers and gain advice from others. CDI College's Employment Specialists are here to help encourage and guide you to reach your career goals and keep you motivated about your future.
CDI College programs operate on a rolling basis, allowing students to begin their studies on multiple start dates throughout the year. As employers constantly seek out passionate and energetic graduates, companies will benefit from CDI College’s flexible academic structure. Employers can plan their recruiting season based on various program completion dates.
Since our main focus is preparing students for the workforce, our graduates experience a high employment rate. The combination of practical and theoretical knowledge and skills has proved to be a valuable asset for both students and employers looking for dynamic and well-rounded employees.
If your company is interested in employing a CDI College grad, contact our Career Services department today.
Craig Johnson
Career Services Manager 

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