Our campus has completely sold out of our shirts for Pink Shirt Day! Help bring awareness to bullying by rocking a pink shirt on February 27th! Any pink shirt will do!
Winter Blues
Winter can be a hard time. it's cold, dark, and dry. The good news is, it's almost over! Days are getting longer, the sun is out, it's not -30 (most days). If Las Vegas and Hawaii can deal with snowfall (crazy, right?) we can certianly make it!
February 26, 2019
Cover Letters - Are They Worth it?
Cover letters, are they necessary? Do we really need to make one? The answer is, YES! Many companies will use cover letters, or lack there of, to filter through applicants. If you do not include one, you may be overlooked for a job that you are completely capable of doing. Always edit your cover letter to include skills that specific companies are looking for. Don't send the same old cover letter to every job. Put the effort in and reap the rewards!