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Want to work in early childhood education? You'll need these skills

January 24, 2020 | Alberta

During the first years after birth, children go through major physical, cognitive, motor, and emotional developments. If you become an early childhood educator, you can give them the support they need during this important time.

"The early years are critical, because this is the period in life when the brain develops most rapidly and has a high capacity for change, and the foundation is laid for health and wellbeing throughout life," the World Health Organization says.

This is why early childhood education is such a fulfilling career path. But you won't be able to get started unless you have the right qualifications. Here are some of the top skills you'll need to start your career:

1. Communication

Strong verbal and non-verbal communication skills will help you improve understanding and resolve conflicts.

2. Regulations

It's essential to know the provincial laws, regulations, and ethics that guide the operation of childcare facilties.

3. Discipline

We all have our bad days. Know how to deal with children who aren't behaving their best while still creating a positive, safe and nurturing environment.

4. Language

Learning how to use words is a big part of early development. Develop a solid understanding of the role books and reading play in this process.

5. Nutrition

Children need healthy food to fuel their activity and help them grow. Learn what goes into a nutritious menu.

So how do you gain these valuable skills? You can get the training you need in CDI College's Early Learning and Child Care diploma program.

In 77 weeks, you'll learn everything you need to know to work as an early learning and care educator, educational assistant, or in other roles.

To learn more about the program, fill out the REQUEST INFO form.

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