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Volunteer Your IT Networking Services

April 3, 2013 | Alberta

For aspiring IT professionals, any type of work experience is extremely valuable when establishing their career. Volunteering your IT services at a local non-profit or charity organization is a great way to gain some extra experience for your resume. You'll probably also be an asset to the organization.

Whether you're looking for volunteer opportunities while in school or add some more experience to your resume, establishing a strong relationship with an organization can be an effective way to develop more opportunities down the road. Because you're providing work pro bono, it wouldn't hurt to ask for a letter of recommendation.

In addition, you may also have an opportunity to work with experienced professionals who can provide some insight on how to interact with colleagues and clients. As a newcomer, you may also be able to teach other volunteers how to navigate through certain software systems, develop computer shortcuts or solve simple glitches that can help speed up their daily processes.

In a sector that is changing faster than ever, businesses have a responsibility to stay up to date on emerging trends and products. As a IT volunteer students can share their knowledge about the latest trends in IT to help a charity organization keep current, whether it's establishing a social media presence, tweaking the organization's website or helping them to upgrade to the latest hardware and software.

Those looking to gain the fundamental skills and knowledge needed for a career in IT can enroll in networking courses at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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