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Upcoming Events Lined Up for March

March 4, 2022 | Alberta

When we think of March, the thought of spring comes to mind. The month marks the beginning of the spring season, the vernal equinox and longer days.

This year at CDI College, March is set to be a happening month as we have an exciting lineup of events to celebrate across our campuses in Canada:


  • March 6 - Dentist Day

Say Ahhh? A visit to the dentist does not have to be scary. Here’s to celebrating the ones who help keep our mouth and teeth healthy! Stay tuned for our Dentist Day celebrations. Interested in the field of dentistry? Check out our Dental programs.


  • March 8 - International Women's Day

The month of March is dedicated to celebrating Women’s History Month. This International Women’s Day, CDI College is doing something special to celebrate inspiring women that have left a positive impact on the course of history.


  • March 8 - CDI College International Women's Day Contest

Contest alert! CDI College has a special contest planned for you. Expect a Starbucks gift card voucher if you win!


  • March 9 - False Teeth Day

CDI College is celebrating False Teeth Day to spread awareness about the necessity of dental care. Join us in our endeavour to spread the message!


  • March 11 - Relaxing Weekend Massage Clinic at CDI College Calgary North Campus

Get ready for the weekend with a relaxing massage! At our Calgary North student massage clinic, you can get a one-hour massage for only $30! Check out our social media for more details.


  • March 15 - Q&A Online and On-Campus at College CDI Quebec

Thinking about going back to school but don’t know where to start? Join our Live Virtual Q&A Session to get answers about the programs offered by CDI College, admissions procedures, and career opportunities. Register for the event today!


  • March 16 - Hire Canada Virtual Jobs Fair

Hire Canada is a leader in multi-sector recruitment events. They are back with a Virtual Job Fair & Training Expo to help exhibitors and applicants to connect. CDI College will have a virtual booth at the event and we look forward to meeting prospective applicants. Apply to join as an applicant here.


  • March 20 - First Day of Spring

Join us as we welcome the first signs of spring season in Canada – the season of new beginnings and blooming flowers!

Would you like to get more information or apply?

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