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Students Unleash Their Inner Detectives to Discover Job Posting Details

May 10, 2012 | Alberta

Sometimes job seekers may find an enticing job posting, only to discover that the employer's name isn't attached mentioned in the ad. As a result, they must apply for the position without knowing who they are directing their application to, blindly hoping it reaches the right hands. Without knowing who to address a cover letter to, an applicant can risk sounding generic and uninterested in the position.

Today, this problem can be easily resolved with a little internet research. Students entering the real world can use Google to search out the company that's hiring. After discovering this information, they can determine if the position is truly right for them, whether its at a small business or in a larger, fast paced accounting firm.

Another useful mechanism is to take a trip to the post office and inquire about the listed P.O. Box on the job ad. If it's a federal number, students may be able to discover the company name and ultimately finding out the name of the head of human resources.

Students gearing up for a future in the business realm can start by taking Accounting and Payroll Administration program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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