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Security Issues Still a Concern for CIOs

January 13, 2012 | Alberta

Despite potential increases in efficiency and reduced operational costs, many Canadian chief information officers (CIOs) are still reluctant to embrace cloud-based services, reports IT World Canada.

In a survey of leading Canadian CIOs, IT World Canada revealed that security concerns were still the primary reason that some companies were hesitant to adopt platform-as-a-service models in their businesses. A lack of standardization in security protocols and the fact that many service providers are located in the U.S. were also reasons cited by some Canadian CIOs for why they had not yet embraced cloud-computing solutions.

"Because so many of the cloud providers are in the States, there's this sense that your data has gone to the big, bad wolf," David Rea, senior vice president at Innovapost, told IT World Canada. "I think you should approach this as you would any data security or privacy issue. You've got encryption, you've got [to look at] who has access to the data."

However, despite some CIOs' reluctance to adopt cloud-based services, the outlook for IT professionals remains positive. According to news blog CloudTweaks, platform-as-a-service solutions were seen as the top technological priority for many CIOs this year.

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