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RBC June Outlook Highlights Alberta's Job Economy

June 21, 2012 | Alberta

This year started off an economic success for the province of Alberta, according to the most recent outlook from the Royal Bank of Canada. The June Provincial Outlook report reveals that Western Canada will dominate growth for the next two years.

Data revealed that economic expansion is spreading across industrial sectors, from wholesale and retail trade to oil and gas. With more investment in the energy sector, Alberta will continue to prosper and experience an increasing demand in the oil and gas job sector.

According to the report, Alberta's job market remains particularly vibrant, leading the country with employment growth year-over-year and the lowest jobless rate among the other provinces. The job prospects are also attracting increasing numbers of workers from outside the province, making Alberta the fastest growing province in the country.

Those wanting to train for a career in one of Alberta's leading industries can enroll in the Oil and Gas Administration program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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