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Practical Nurses Collaborate With Other Healthcare Professionals

May 17, 2012 | Alberta

The ability to collaborate with others is a necessity in most workplace. For practical nurses, this skill is even more essential. Practical nurses may assist dozens of patients each day, they may also work closely with registered nurses, doctors, long-term care aides and other healthcare professionals.

Learning to work with other professionals is an important skill that practical nurses can develop in medical offices, hospitals and clinics where they're part of a healthcare team. When they work together, they can unify the way they deliver treatment and care to their patients and ultimately make their daily routine run more smoothly.

Collaboration is also crucial in maintaining the quality of care for elderly patients in care homes. As Canada's elderly population continues to grow, there is a greater need for quality healthcare services to support it. Along with RNs and care aides, practical nurses in long-term care environments may also work closely with administrators, social workers and family members to ensure that patients receive the care they need.

Students who are interested in working in this field and developing relationships with other nurses can start by taking Practical Nursing program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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