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Practical Nurses Are In-Demand in Calgary

March 7, 2012 | Alberta

The Calgary Economic Development office recently released its report of the top jobs in demand in the city. Licensed practical nurses took the second spot in the top five, which was dominated by various healthcare positions.

"The growth rate in that industry was fairly remarkable," study researcher Michael Fotheringham told CBC News.

According to the news source, nearly 10 percent of nursing positions are vacant, and the city of Calgary requires six percent more nurses each year, a need that other regions have shared as well. The nationwide shortage of nurses could potentially affect the quality and quantity of the delivery of care to patients. 

Healthcare representatives emphasize the fact that more graduates must enter the field in order to fill these positions for the coming years. According to the Alberta Learning Information Service website, approximately 116 new positions will be created each year, in addition to job openings created by employment turnover. Industry experts anticipate a major increase in the turnover rate as members of the baby boom generation retire over the next few years.

Those interested in pursuing a career in this growing sector can enroll in Practical Nursing program at CDI College. To begin registration, fill out the form on the right.

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