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More IT Positions on Their Way to Edmonton, AB

November 15, 2011 | Alberta

While many people may be familiar with the basics of computers and technology, many of the jobs of the future will require a greater understanding of these areas. As such, computer courses could lay the groundwork for a promising career in a number of industries. Tech-savvy professionals in Alberta will soon have the opportunity to use their skills in a new setting, as Calgary-based firm Care Factor has announced plans to build a new data centre in Edmonton.

The facility will be a state-of-the-art operation that will provide co-location, connectivity and business resumption services to clients throughout the country. It will also feature a number of energy-efficient and sustainable technologies that will make this one of the most carbon-neutral structures in the province.

"We are excited to invest in the City of Edmonton, as it is an important part of the vibrant Alberta economy and gateway to Canada's North," said David Lod, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Care Factor.

The new facility will also require well-trained tech professionals to staff it. Enrolling in networking training courses with CDI College can be a great way to take advantage of opportunities like this. To begin your education in technology, simply fill out the form to your right.

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