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Massage Therapy Students Show Support for Alberta Cancer Foundation

February 16, 2015 | Alberta

Edmonton AB – February 16, 2015 – Massage Therapy students from CDI College’s Edmonton North campus showed their support to the players at The World’s Longest Hockey Game, an annual event that supports the Alberta Cancer Foundation.

Players gathered from February 6-16, 2015 to raise money for the Alberta Cancer Foundation at The World’s Longest Hockey Game. Students volunteered their services at the on-site massage clinic and worked in shifts to help players relive pain to endure the long hours of the game. On top of donating their time and skills to the event, CDI College’s Edmonton North campus also donated $1,000 to the cause.

This year, funds raised will be distributed to research, treatment, patient care, and to support the purchase of a new PET/MR scanner for the Cross Cancer Institute of Edmonton.

CDI College’s Massage Therapy students participate in a number of community and charity events each year and have repeatedly demonstrated their generosity and charitable spirits by offering their skills to help raise awareness for various causes.

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