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IT Workers Must Adopt Broader Skills to Advance

July 24, 2012 | Alberta

One sector of company budgets that has taken severe cuts throughout the country is investment in training programs, which has only hurt organizations' productivity in the long run. Professionals, particularly IT workers, have a responsibility to not only keep up with basic IT skills but to develop training related to networking, database administration and systems analysis as well.

Despite an improving economy, about 93 percent of the more than 4,000 respondents to Computerworld's Salary Survey admitted that they have concerns about their current careers, according to the publication. Of the 93 percent, about 1,040 of those respondents claimed that they were concerned specifically about keeping their skills up-to-date and about remaining valuable to their employers.

These employees can benefit from acquiring the basic tech skills they have always been expected to learn in addition to communication skills, customer service abilities and business knowledge. A need for broader-skilled workers is increasingly apparent today, and those who adapt to these changes may ultimately excel over their peers who possess only field-specific training.

To stay relevant in this constantly changing field, students can take networking training courses at CDI College. For more information about the Network Database Administrator program, fill out the form on the right.

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