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iPads Provide Both Learning and Career Focused Benefits

August 31, 2011 | Alberta

Students in all program areas will reap the benefits of learning on an iPad

Calgary, AB - August 31, 2011 - Graduation is both exciting and terrifying at the same time. Year after year students go through the same emotions - excited to finish college yet terrified of starting a new career in the real world. CDI College’s initiative to introduce iPads in the classroom not only provides students with a new and advanced tool for learning, but also prepares them for a fast-paced and dynamic future career.

iPads are recognized as a great interactive platform for teaching and learning, but how can students take these skills into the workforce?

Business students will find an increasing number of offices and executive teams working on tablet devices. Reading business documents, highlighting text and data, and running various applications on a portable, hand-held device is a popular alternative to laptop computers and smart phones.

Say goodbye to messy or lost patient files. Healthcare professionals have turned to iPads in hospitals, medical offices and clinics so that nurses, dental assistants and medical laboratory workers can check patient data on-the-spot.

Information technologists and graphic designers are familiar with advancements in the digital space. The accessibility, portability and lightweight features of the iPad allow professionals to conduct much of their work on the iPad platform.

The benefits of new technology in each industry will continue to become more prominent as more and more workplaces see the value in iPad technology and worker training in the future. And CDI College grads will be prepared for what their future careers have in store for them.

Apply to CDI College today or request more information about the programs available by filling in the form to your right! Tell us what you think about using iPads in the classroom on Facebook and Twitter!

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