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Improve the Odds of Getting a Job With Self-Promotion

January 8, 2013 | Alberta

Many employers searching for the next great hire are looking for individuals who have experience on their resume. While this can make it difficult to break into an industry, there are opportunities for aspiring professionals to improve their chances of impressing employers.

According to The Globe and Mail, learning how to "sell" yourself is an integral part of getting hired. Students need to focus their efforts on getting businesses to consider them through every point of contact they have, whether that be through cover letters, resumes, networking events, interviews or even simple phone calls. Every worker needs to act as their own salesperson, promoting themselves without being discouraged by a tough job market.

For those students who are trying to break into the medical field without a lot of experience, there are few tips for promoting themselves to employers. Take advantage of some of these tricks to gain a boost when it comes to starting a new career.

Forming relationships with people in the industry is one of the best ways to find job opportunities. Don't be afraid to talk with friends, peers or teachers about potential opportunities, and take advantage of local industry events. These gatherings can be a good way to meet mentors or even employers who are looking to hire, and attending these events show initiative and a desire to break into the field.

Highlight Capabilities
Even without past experience, there is a strong chance that a student's education has providing them with qualities attractive to employers. Students should emphasize these skills, along with examples of coursework or leadership opportunities, in the context of being an asset to the company. Being specific when it comes to talking about applicable capabilities and how they relate to the business' goals and growth can also help individuals appeal to an employer.

Apply for the Right Positions
Most of the time, if an employer specifies that they are looking for a worker with a certain level of experience, they won't entertain the notion of hiring student fresh out of college. Students can assess their skills in order to figure out which type of job openings they should be targeting.

Individuals still struggling to break into the healthcare industry should consider taking courses at an Alberta college to enhance their skills. Having a well-rounded knowledge base in medical administration can increase the chances of landing a job. Students who are interested in starting careers in the medical field can learn a lot in healthcare courses of the Medical Office Assistant program at CDI College. To get more information, fill out the form on the right.

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