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Edmonton North Campus Collects More Than 500 Pairs of Shoes for Charity

December 7, 2017 | Alberta

CDI College Partners with MLA Nielsen and UFCW 401 to Help Ermineskin Women’s Shelter

Students and staff at CDI College’s Edmonton North campus came together over the last month to donate 523 pairs of shoes to the Ermineskin Women’s Shelter Society.

With students who’ve escaped domestic violence or needed to use women’s shelters attend classes at Edmonton North, campus director Renata Maione was happy to participate in the shoe drive.

“Shoes are an everyday item, one we take for granted,” she said. “They aren’t donated very often, but all sorts of shoes are very much in need to help the women and their children get back on their feet.”

In collaboration with Edmonton-Decore MLA Chris Nielsen and the UFCW 401 Union gently-used shoes for women and children were accepted at Edmonton North campus during the month of November, filling a great need in the community.

“It was a truly touching experience watching the shelter accept the shoes,” she said. “You never really understand the difference normal everyday items can make until you see the impact it has on the people who need them most.

“We are here to make a difference in people’s lives, through education or charity. This event only strengthened our desire to be a positive force in our community.”


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