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Depression in the Workplace

April 12, 2013 | Alberta

Many people can't help it when depression strikes. Various stress factors such as home life issues, financial worries and work responsibilities can contribute to depression and it's not uncommon for the condition to affect their performance on the job. An Ipsos Reid poll released in the fall of 2012 revealed that 22 per cent of Canadian workers experience some form of depression.

Depression doesn't just affect those living with the condition. It can also hinder a company's overall productivity. Instead of struggling with the illness in the workplace entirely, employers can foster a positive environment that promotes good mental health. These days, most companies provide resources such as an employee assistance plan that will help employees connect with healthcare professionals who can help.

In addition, employers can encourage employees to take advantage of the resources available to them and actively works with those who need support with mental health issues.

Those interested in training for a community services career helping people with mental health or addiction issues can enroll in the Addictions and Community Services Worker program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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