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Computer Programmers Can Boost Resumes with Volunteer Work

August 14, 2012 | Alberta

Job seekers can boost their careers with more than just their own professional experience. While an aspiring computer programmer can impress employers with a list of relevant work experience on their resume, sometimes interviewers pay just as much attention to a candidate's interests and activities outside the workplace.

Those who can add volunteer activities to their resumes showcase their ability to juggle more than one commitment at a time. They can not only complete their computer networking tasks at work, but they can also work with other individuals from different backgrounds toward a common goal of community service. Whether they choose to donate their afternoon to beautifying a local park, provide tutoring at a kids' computer camp or teach a technology class at a nearby senior citizens' center, people who volunteer get a sense of accomplishment knowing that their contribution has aided the community in some way.

Additionally, volunteers never know when they're meeting someone who might be influential in their careers. The person that they meet while offering up their free time could be a go-getter or a successful leader in a particular field. By making a connection in a volunteer-based environment, aspiring professionals are also showcasing their inherent drive and self-motivation.

Another approach that young computer programmers can use is volunteering in a new industry that may have piqued their interest but they have never experienced before. For example, radio and broadcasting is an industry that needs its fair share of IT specialists, especially with the growing popularity of internet radio over the past 10 years. Computer programmers can consider volunteering at a radio company and gain an understanding of the challenges and rewards that go along with working in this type of environment. While it may not be paid work, it is still a stellar addition to a resume and invaluable experience that programmers can take with them no matter what their next position may be.

Students who are excited to start a future in the Information Technology field can start by enrolling in programming courses at CDI College. By using the knowledge they gain in the classroom combined with the real-life experiences, they can help themselves cultivate successful IT careers. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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