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Cloud-Based Technology Making an Impact in Healthcare Sector

December 22, 2011 | Alberta

Cloud-based products, also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), are growing in the Canadian telecommunications industry. Students who want to begin a new career in this exciting and challenging sector can enroll in networking training at CDI College, as many of these web-based applications rely heavily on stable network infrastructures.

In another example of how cloud-based services are becoming increasingly common in the healthcare industry, several First Nations care providers in Alberta are migrating their immunization records to cloud-based storage solutions, reports IT World Canada.

OKAKI Health Intelligence is handling the data migration of four First Nations communities in the province. OKAKI developed the Community Health and Immunization Program, a remotely managed database, in partnership with nonprofit organization Cybera with sponsorship funding by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.

"We’re working with Cybera and some of our other partners to actually build a true Canadian health cloud, which could span multiple provinces, and multiple servers and co-locations," Farees Kara, CTO of OKAKI, told IT World Canada.

According to the Montreal Gazette, cloud-based services are becoming increasingly common in other industries as well. E-commerce, finance and essential infrastructure services are all moving toward cloud-based solutions, meaning more employment opportunities for qualified networking professionals.

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