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Choose a Career Path Within a Growing Industry

March 22, 2012 | Alberta

When students are in search of a certificate or diploma, they can benefit from researching the employment outlook for particular fields that they wish to pursue. One of the top industries with a positive future employment rate is information technology (IT). Students who wish to follow this type of career path can look into various professions that will help them perfect their skills.

As one of the fastest growing areas of employment, IT is truly among the fields with the highest chance of achieving a position after college. Jobs as computer and information systems managers and information systems analysts are top roles at companies that are hiring IT specialists.

Also growing within the industry is the fairly new role of a data analyst - the ideal professional for this type of job is someone with a computer networking background, as well as someone with analytical skills. The number of Google searches for "data scientist" hit 20 times higher than its normal peak in the last quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, according to IT World Canada.

Job opportunities for these types of specialists are predominantly growing in web companies, e-retailers, financial services, healthcare and media, among other businesses. Those who wish to pursue a career in the IT sector can enroll in the Network Systems Engineer program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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