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CDI College Organizes Winter Clothing Drive for Calgary Alpha House Society

December 22, 2021 | Alberta

Giving back is part of our DNA at CDI College, so students and staff organized a winter clothing drive for the vulnerable men and women in need at Calgary Alpha House Society.


Raising over 200 items – or seven large bags of clothes and jackets – CDI College delivered these items to Alpha House in Calgary on December 9.


“An educational institution holds a big responsibility of shaping the society – not only through education – but also by performing their social responsibilities,” says Raisa Afrida, Assistant Director of Admissions, CDI College Calgary. “When we volunteer at places like Alpha House, we understand how we are making an impact, and more-so, how relevant the career training in social work is for our students.”


Established in 1981, Calgary Alpha House Society provides support to marginalized men and women who often live on the streets. Calgary Alpha House Society provides shelter and housing, detox programs – for those addicted to alcohol and other drugs, and outreach programs. Learn more about Alpha House here.


“What we enjoyed most about helping Alpha House was they are the first stop to anyone and everyone whom is need of a ‘safe place’,” says Afrida. “Their doors are open 24/7 and their team works during all inclement weather conditions – wind, rain and blizzard storms alike – so we felt it was in our duty to help them to the best of our abilities with a donation of warm clothing.”

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