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CDI College Massage Students Make a Difference

March 29, 2011 | Alberta

Donations to The Mustard Seed in Edmonton put to use through Community Advocacy program

Edmonton, AB – March 29, 2011 – Students of the Massage Therapy program at CDI College’s Edmonton North campus aren’t strangers to raising money for charity. Over the last year, they’ve used their on-site massage therapy clinics to accept donations and raise funds for a number of local community organizations. The Mustard Seed was one of the recipients of the college’s goodwill and the organization has started putting that donation to good use.

When the province of Alberta introduced a program to help men and women with no fixed address obtain provincial ID cards through community service organizations like The Mustard Seed, the Massage Therapy students at CDI College’s Calgary North and Edmonton North campuses decided to help. Through their onsite massage clinics, they each raised $1,230, enough to cover the costs for 100 provincial ID cards for homeless citizens both Edmonton and Calgary.

This spring, the Edmonton branch began distribution of the funds through its community advocacy program, a resource that helps those living in poverty to engage with existing support systems within the community.

“The Mustard Seed appreciates CDI College’s donation to provide provincial ID cards to those who need them most,” says Tricia Caughell, The Mustard Seed Edmonton’s Community Advocate. “This donation has already started making a positive difference by helping others open a bank account, apply for other ID, apply for other programs and services and more.”

Along with giving their fellow Albertans a helping hand, the students have also given future Massage Therapy program students something to aspire to.

CDI College is now accepting applications for the May sessions of the Massage Therapy program. In addition to its regular start dates, the college will offer two additional start dates in May. For more information about the Massage Therapy program, fill out the form on the left.

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