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Canada Boosts Mental Health Strategy

May 31, 2012 | Alberta

Canada reached a major milestone with the recent release of its first-ever mental health strategy. Thanks to the Mental Health Commission of Canada, healthcare experts, researchers, mental health professionals and those with living with mental illness, the country finally has a national plan to help the number of Canadians affected by mental illness every year.

"With national leadership and provincial partnerships it is possible to implement a coordinated national strategy for mental illness and mental health in Canada," stated Canadian Alliance for Mental Illness and Mental Health (CAMIMH) co-chair Dave Gallson. "As the fifth largest provider of health care in the country, the federal government also has the opportunity to lead by example by improving its own capacity to develop mental health policy and deliver services."

Mental health experts also see the development of the strategy as the first step to improve the overlooked and neglected field of healthcare.

Those who wish to pursue a career in the mental health field can enroll in the Addictions and Community Services Worker program at CDI College. For more information, fill out the form on the right.

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