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Booming Business Drives Need for Payroll Professionals

November 17, 2011 | Alberta

When businesses begin seeking employees with a background in payroll and accounting, it's a positive sign for the economy. As such, good news is on the way for residents of Manitoba, as a recently released study from Statistics Canada claims that weekly earnings in the province rose substantially in the month of August.

The report, the organisation's latest, claims that the average earnings for non-farm employees in the province grew by 1.1 per cent during the month, bringing the average weekly wage to $819.02, reports the Winnipeg Free Press. The growth placed Manitoba as the sixth highest-paying province in the country, with Alberta topping the list.

Manitoba was also one of only four provinces to see an increase in the number of employees from July to August, adding nearly 1,000 jobs during the period.

With a growing economy, there will be a higher demand for payroll professionals who can help organizations manage their finances as they pertain to new hires. Students can get started on their path to a prosperous career by enrolling in payroll courses at CDI College. Fill out the form on the right to find out how.

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