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Assist Others as a Help Desk Analyst

March 9, 2012 | Alberta

Those with a knack for IT systems can share their skills with others by entering the tech support field. As help desk analysts, they can use their knowledge of computers to advance their careers and assist people who may not understand the framework of technology.

Generally, these professionals carry out similar duties in organizations across the board. One of their main priorities is responding to telephone calls. Users who experience computer-related problems or need assistance using a particular software application call help desk or customer support analysts, who will then guide them through a step-by-step process over the phone.

Other daily responsibilities include explaining software errors to computer programmers and recommending changes or methods of repair to be put in place. Most help desk analysts are also expected to stay on top of the latest tech trends by communicating with colleagues and other experts. They may be required to attend computer trade shows, workshops and seminars as well.

When students search for help desk analyst positions, they can look in corporate IT departments, tech support consulting firms and smaller companies. With a positive positive employment outlook, positions in the tech world can ultimately lead to bright futures for aspiring professionals. Students can enroll in the Help Desk Analyst program at CDI College to sharpen their skills and prepare for their careers. To begin, fill out the form on the right.

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