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9 Essentials for Your Back-to-School Survival Kit

August 17, 2020 | Alberta

The first weeks back to school are often just about survival. You’re confronted with a busy schedule, new people, and lots of course work.

To make it through a survival situation, the key is to come into it well-equipped. That’s the advice of “Survivorman” Les Stroud, one of Canada’s top experts on the subject.

“And among pre-trip tasks, none is as crucial as putting together your survival kit,” Stroud says in his book Survive!

Of course, Stroud’s wilderness adventure kit would include tools like a compass or matches, but perhaps you can apply his approach to the college classroom.

Maybe you can prepare a back-to-school survival kit to help you get through the challenging period as a new or returning student.

With that in mind, here are nine useful and easy-to-pack items you should bring to campus:

1. Healthy Snacks

It’s difficult to focus during a discussion or assignment when your energy dips. A snack bar, fruit, or veggies can give you the boost you need.

2. Hand Sanitizer

Most of the time, these goop-filled dispensers are readily available, especially at school. But keep your own handy for the odd time you can’t find one or don’t feel like looking around.

3. Face Mask

Whether you’re using a disposable or cotton mask, it can feel grubby after too much wear. Keep a spare around so you can replace as needed.

4. Phone Charger

Did your battery run out again? Don’t be that classmate always asking to borrow someone else’s charger. Pack your own when you head out the door.

5. Water Bottle

To perform at your best as a student, you need to keep your brain and body functioning well. Bring a water bottle to make it easy to stay hydrated throughout the day.

6. Floss

It’s distracting and even embarrassing to have food stuck in your teeth. Don’t let it hold you back from what’s really important.

7. Mints

Surely we can all agree that a morning cup of coffee is a human right. But keep your breath fresh so you can feel confident and make a good impression on others.

8. Hair Ties

If you have longer hair, you may want it out of the way during lab work or if it gets too warm in the classroom. Keep a few of these nearby.

9. Headphones

When you take a break to get your mind off the next assignment or test, nothing beats listening to your favourite album or podcast.

Now Get Packing

Hopefully this list will help you to pack some items that will make it easier to get through the first weeks of class.

However, this is not a definitive or complete list of what you might want to take. In fact, survival expert Stroud encourages people to get creative when putting together their kits. “How you set up your list is limited only by your imagination,” he writes.

Which must-have items would you pack in your back-to-school survival kit? We’d love to hear about them. Let us know on Facebook or Twitter.

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